La philosophie

L'espace de René Desnnéque

Les droits des étudiants.

October 1 2007, 7:23 AM

Nous déclarons que il y a quelques droits des étudiants:

Un: Les étudiants ont le droit à critiquer leures proffesseures et proffessrice.

Deux: Les proffesseures ou proffessrices n'ont pas le droit à faire les étudiants acheter les livres.

Trois: Les étudiants peuvents pender avec liberté.

Ceux sont les droits fondamentales.


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Some interesting things at our school.

September 22 2007, 10:27 AM

Yeah, our new school life is very full of Les Devoirs, agony and many things of interests.

There is a students in our class called "deity" with not very good marks and ugly colour. Last week, the literature teacher told us to write an article about the most unforgettable day. You could never guess what did he write. He write about a Mid Autumn Day in which he got a very romantic nighty with a maiden that he liked just in possible. Here are some sentences that you ought to be interested in:

"The breeze blew on my face like her suave dauting!"

"I could smell and feel her odor blessly."

"I saw her silhouette with prettiness."

It was sure that the deity was crazy and foolish. Maybe the story was a noticing dummy, but the author of it must be a gander or boody.

This article was seen by the students in other classes with my promotion, I think now quite a few students know the ganderal story of the deity.

I must talk about the most noticing difference in this term. This term and the terms before deffer at the existence of the self-learning time at evening. I am a students with the comely speed of doing homework. So, in that times, I am often free and boring with finding something to do. Maybe I will exit the boring and insignificant Learning Time.

Thanks for supporting with my writting to the blog! I hope I could "lure" many visitors in our school!


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Some Chinese translations which are in common use

September 21 2007, 9:49 AM


Charlie                      夏利

Alice                          阿利丝

Janet                        夏内

Louis                        路易

Louise                     路易丝

René                       勒内

Jean                         让

Lanet                    拉内

François                  弗朗索瓦

Adèle                       阿黛勒

Pière                     皮埃尔

Charlottes              夏洛特

Phillippe                  菲利普

Phillippes              菲利普

Clémence             克雷门斯


Lacitti                      拉奇蒂

Ancelotti                  安切洛蒂

Drosi                       德罗西

Materazzi               马特拉齐

Pielo                          皮耶罗

Davinci                  达芬奇
Ranicchi                拉尼基

Spaletti                  斯帕莱蒂


Fábregas               法布雷加斯

José                       何塞

Juan                        胡安

Calos                    卡洛斯

Cádiz                     卡迪斯

González                  冈萨雷斯

Lolita                     洛丽塔

Ramón                      拉芒

Villa                          比利亚

Alétanitta                 阿雷坦尼娜

Higuayín                   依瓜因

Diego                        迭戈


José                          约赛

Diego                       迭古

Deco                         德古

Ronaldo                  罗纳尔多

Ricardo                     里卡多

Olivera                    奥利维拉

Anitta                       阿妮塔

Ronaldinho             罗纳尔迪尼奥

Mourinho                   穆里尼奥

João                            若昂

Garvão                        加尔旺

Cicinho                     西西尼奥






These are especially written for the english teachers who often read these names or surnames uncorrectly.

I hope these could help these Only-English-Pronunciation people!


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A explanation

September 12 2007, 1:06 AM

I am in a new nervous term, so maybe I don't have enough energy to write articles.


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My recept after reading David Copperfield.

August 28 2007, 10:01 AM

David Copperfield was written by Charles Dickens, it was published in 1849 in England.

My favourite man in the fiction is Anges Wickfield. She was a beautiful, dolce and vituous girl to anybody and the good angel for Trotwood. Even though she loved David, she was happy after David married to Dora to get his blessedness. That can prove that she loved David very deeply.

I think Dora was a beautiful and virtuous girl. David loved her at once. She died so young to become a pity of David. She told Anges to take the place of her, so she loved David too.



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  • Male
  • 27 years old


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Last update Oct 1, 2007
